Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Free Speech Regulation

I have been uncomfortable with McCain-Feingold's campaign finance reform from the start.

I understand the desire to put campaign financing under tighter scrutiny, but putting political comment under restrictions goes too far, especially where the internet is concerned.

Here's some analysis of the issue.

Key point:

"Conceivably, this means limiting content that some (read: the judicial and perhaps legislative branch) deem inappropriate, or putting prohibitions on certain speakers in an effort to artificially create equality."


  1. I personally am for some regulations on the lobbying industry that buys Congressmen so easily. But then again this buying has always been and is so easy. Mark Twain said it best I guess: “America is a nation without a distinct criminal class...with the possible exception of Congress." Still it was a bad scene on McCain’s part. Has he forgotten what he fought for and almost died for in a prison camp? Or is he just so desperate to become president? My admiration and respect have undergone a drastic change in the past couple of years. Sad.
    I do however understand why the big guys want the Internet regulated; it scares the bejeezes out of them that the "illiterate unsophisticated, uninformed mobs” out here finally have a voice and a means of mass communication that they can't control. After all only the "elite" are capable of ruling. BB


  2. "After all only the 'elite" are capable of ruling."

    That's the whole point, Brenda. Too many of us are content to let it go in that direction for my liking.

  3. With you on that one Bubba. (By the way, my commends are quite often sarcastic or tongue in cheek.) We NEED to keep the internet free of regulation. It is the people's voice and only means of mass communication. So we all really have to get with the program and start badgering our Congressmen to keep it that way. No one is forced on the web or on any web site so the protections offered for children at this point I believe are adequate. Parents need to take a bit of responsibility here. BB
