Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Here is what you've been asking for. Enjoy.


  1. Bubba, So happy to hear from you at last! When I asked you if you had a blog several months ago from your answer I knew it was just a matter of time. Good beginning! I won't always agree as you have noticed from my comments, but I will always enjoy reading your considered view points. I too am a child of the 60's (born 41 and became politically active in 1958.) Was so liberal I am now ashamed of my ignorance. Am also very much saddened by the outcomes of so many of the programs and reforms we fought for that have gone wrong. We were so naive to think all people were decent and just needed a chance; and that government could solve all the problems. Brenda Bowers

  2. Hi Bubba!

    We need more notables like you in this airspace.

  3. Thanks, Mary.

    It's time for us to call the arrogant and the sanctimonious to account for their words, wouldn't you say?

    I think I know who's at the top of YOUR list for corrective action!

  4. Don't forget the liars and frauds.

    Re: "The list". Tee Hee! Yes, indeed. I've grown VERY tired of the, "Do as I say, not as I do." act.

    I will link you on my blogroll in the next day or so, when I get some free time. You could say I'm tending to the roses:)
